
Title of the document First Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Kolhapur. Third Saturday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Pune. Third Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Mumbai.Fourth Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Solapur.
Title of the document First Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Kolhapur. Third Saturday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Pune. Third Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Mumbai.Fourth Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Solapur.

Shree Vishwasharada Multispeciality Ayurved and Panchkarma Clinic

Prana energy is essential for life. The air that enters the body through the respiratory system enables crucial and life-sustaining activities. Unfortunately, respiratory problems have become very common because of environmental as well as lifestyle factors.

Respiratory disorders in Ayurveda have been described as problems arising out of an imbalance in Kapha and Vata. Avlambaka Kapha, a sub-type of Kapha dosha governs the lungs, respiratory system and heart. This controls the flow of Udana Vata and Prana Vayu. An imbalance in these fundamental doshas lead to respiratory problems such as Asthma, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), Bronchitis, Pneumonia, as well as seasonal allergies.

Treatment of respiratory problems through Ayurveda is effective because it identifies the root-cause first, and then treats it with  customized medicines, along with special diet and lifestyle plans that are designed to complete your treatment.

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