
Title of the document First Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Kolhapur. Third Saturday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Pune. Third Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Mumbai.Fourth Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Solapur.
Title of the document First Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Kolhapur. Third Saturday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Pune. Third Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Mumbai.Fourth Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Solapur.

Shree Vishwasharada Multispeciality Ayurved and Panchkarma Clinic

Food is fuel for the body, and the stomach is one of the most important organs for your overall health and happiness. An efficient digestive system produces healthy tissues (Dhatus), which contributes to the formation of Ojas—the essence of immunity & good health.

In Ayurveda, weak digestion is known as Agnimandya—meaning weakened digestive fire, which cannot convert rasa (nutrients) to life-sustaining Ojas. In addition to being the causative factor in several diseases, weak digestion is a health problem in itself.

Treatment of digestive problems through Ayurveda is effective because it identifies the root-cause first, and then treats it with customized medicines, along with special diet and lifestyle plans that are designed to complete your treatment. 

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