
Title of the document First Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Kolhapur. Third Saturday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Pune. Third Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Mumbai.Fourth Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Solapur.
Title of the document First Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Kolhapur. Third Saturday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Pune. Third Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Mumbai.Fourth Sunday Dr. Shingade sir is available in Solapur.

Shree Vishwasharada Multispeciality Ayurved and Panchkarma Clinic

Are you frustrated with the numerous sessions of chemo or radiation and suffering from its dangerous side effects like severe weakness, persistent hair loss, weak digestion, severe pain, chronic fatigue, and so on?

In Ayurveda these are known as granthi (non-malignant tumours and cysts) or arbuda (malignant tumours or cancer).Non-malignant growths are caused by an imbalance in either one of three primary doshas—Vata, Pitta or Kapha. Whereas, malignant tumours and cancers are Tridoshaja, which means all three doshas are involved. Pollution, stress, diets, genetic predisposition, exposure to carcinogens or radiation are some of the common causative factors. Unhealed tumours and cysts can also become cancerous for the lack of treatment.
Ayurveda treatment takes an integrative approach that does three things: it works on the root-cause, it reduces other associative symptoms and finally it enhances overall quality of life.

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